NCCR Kidney.CH was active from 2010 to 2022. The website is currently being maintained but will go offline on April 20, 2025.
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Career Planning at NCCR Kidney.CH

Kidney.CH is an equal opportunity employer and supports young scientists in the planning and advancement of their academic careers. We offer several education programmes, as well as a wide range of additional training and career building opportunities.

Career Planning at NCCR Kidney.CH
  • Education


  • Career Grants

    Career Grants

  • Conferences
& Mobility

    & Mobility

  • Mentoring


    Mentoring & Advancement of Women

    The objective is to specifically support women in their career planning. The mentoring is meant exclusively for women and shall help to create a supportive environment to address gender specific issues.

    Goals of the mentoring programmes are:

    • Supporting young scientists for an academic career
    • Offering networking possibilities
    • Creating a platform for experience exchange (1 to 1 and in groups)
    • Helping balancing work and family responsibilities

    Two types of mentoring programmes are offered to women within our consortium:

    1 to 1 Mentoring

    An experienced person (a mentor) is paired with a less experienced individual (a mentee). Goal is to build a long-term relationship based on mutual trust and shared interests, so that a mentee can best profit from the individual experiences and networks of the mentor.

    Peer Mentoring

    Peer mentoring is a model to build a mentoring community de emphasizing hierarchy and seniority. A self-organized group of female PhD students and postdocs with shared interests are working together towards common goals. The group can be extended with 1-2 professors if wished, to bring in some additional perspectives.


    Women interested in one of the mentoring programmes may contact the NCCR Equal Opportunity Delegate:

    Additional Mentoring programmes

  • Trainings


  • Family & Work

    Family & Work