NCCR Kidney.CH was active from 2010 to 2022. The website is currently being maintained but will go offline on April 20, 2025.
KIDNEY - CONTROL OF HOMEOSTASIS - Siwss National Centre of Competence in Research open the menu close the menu

About us

The National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) «Kidney.CH – Kidney Control of Homeostasis», is the world's first research network to explore physiological processes in healthy and diseased kidneys across a broad thematic spectrum.

The long-term objective of our national research network is to advance knowledge and understanding of the renal homeostatic mechanisms controlling body composition in health and disease. Knowledge and technology transfer as well as the education of the next generation of scientists and promotion of women are essential features and give this long-term research project strategic importance.

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    The NCCR Kidney.CH is funded by the Swiss Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and conducted in 3 phases.

    During its first funding period (2010-2014), Kidney.CH created a strong community of researchers involving departments and nephrology clinics at all Swiss universities with medical faculties. To support kidney-related research, novel reference centres and technical platforms were established. Furthermore, a new Clinical Study Group has been created to coordinate and organize joint human and clinical research projects together with Swiss nephrology centres.

    The 2nd NCCR funding period (2014-2018) built on the experience and the scientific and structural achievements of the first period. The research projects focused on oxygen sensing, on the impact of nutrients on kidney function, on sensors and signals for potassium and phosphate control and on the relationship between kidney function, biominiralization and kidney stone formation. The translation of our strong basic research to the benefit of patients with kidney disease is of central importance for our network. One concrete step towards such translation was the launch of the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort (SKSC) that was already prepared during the first period of this NCCR. As the first multi-centric long-term project of the NCCR Kidney.CH it involves all five Swiss academic hospital centres.

    In the 3rd phase (2018-2022), the NCCR is setting a clear focus on chronic kidney disease and kidney-related diseases. The NCCR takes advantage from novel assays, cell culture systems, transgenic mouse models, technical platforms, growing experience with human studies, and the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort established in phases I and II of the NCCR.
    The current research projects focus on oxygen sensing, on cellular and molecular mechanisms of Na+ and K+ homeostasis and sensitivity, and on the relationship between kidney function, biominiralization and crystallization disorders. An important aspect of the research concerns the advancement of precision medicine in the context of kidney- and kidney-related disorders.

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