Kidney — Control of Homeostasis
NEWSLETTER ::: NO. 22 ::: NOV 2021
The NCCR was pleased to participate in this year’s Scientifica event, which was held at campuses across Zurich on September 4-5, under the theme "Synthetic, Naturally”. Over 25’000 visitors attended the event. The NCCR hosted an interactive information booth where the public could get up close and personal with the kidney – both in its digital and natural forms.
Visitors were given a chance to experience a “virtual kidney”, a 3D model of the kidney’s major blood vessels as shown through virtual reality goggles. A dish of live Xenopus tadpoles, viewed under a microscope, was particularly popular among the youngest attendees. Visitors could also take a peek at their own kidneys in real time using ultrasound, which was offered on location. The information booth was complemented by a short talk from Soeren Lienkamp on the various roles kidneys play in our bodies. The talk was followed by a lively Q&A session.

Many thanks to Soeren Lienkamp, Vartan Kurtcuoglu, Andrew Hall, and their excellent teams for volunteering their time and expertise!
NCCR Kidney.CH
Institute of Anatomy
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich | Switzerland
Kidney - Control of Homeostasis
is a Swiss research initiative, headquartered at University of Zurich, which brings together leading specialists in experimental and clinical nephrology and physiology from the universities of Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, and Zurich, and corresponding university hospitals.